As part of our ongoing effort to keep users safe and secure, we’ve put together this website disclaimer to give you all the information you need before clicking on any links on our website (or related sites).

We don’t guarantee the results

We don’t guarantee your results and you should seek professional help if you have trouble with anything on our site. Our goal is to make people more productive, not less. If we are unable to deliver what we promise, please contact us so that we can address any concerns or issues in a timely manner. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration our shortcomings may cause. We hope to make big improvements soon! Thanks for visiting our website.


We are not responsible for any loss or damages that may occur from reading our posts. Our posts are for educational and informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for your interaction with other bloggers, website users, and anyone else on the internet.


To fulfil your order, you must provide me with certain information, such as your name, email address, postal address, payment information, and the details of the product that you’re ordering. You may also choose to provide me with additional personal information, if you contact me directly.

We accept no liability

We do not accept any liability for your actions. Please act responsibly and at your own risk. By clicking on our links, you are accepting responsibility for yourself, so please be careful when using our product. We are not liable for any harm caused by usage of our product or service. Please contact us if there is any damage done to your device from using our app.


The content on our site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our site. User assumes all risk of use and associated dangers, damages, or injuries.

Affiliate Links / Disclosure Policy

This site contains affiliate links, which means if you purchase something using these links, we may receive a commission. This is at no extra cost to you and helps us keep the lights on around here. By clicking on any link, product or service that we recommend, you are supporting our family’s business. We genuinely appreciate your support and thank you for it. Anytime we offer information about products or services that are not provided by our company we do so in accordance with FTC guidelines.

Please use responsibly and carefully at your own risk

Please use our services responsibly and at your own risk. While we take every precaution to make sure that everything on our website is free of viruses and other malicious software, we cannot guarantee it. If you choose to access a link that isn’t safe, your computer could become infected with malware or ransomware, rendering it useless until such time as you pay to have it repaired or replaced. We are not responsible for any damages caused by clicking on links that turn out to be malicious or linking websites that are run by criminals. Please use these services responsibly at your own risk.